There are a wide variety of Dan masks, each with a different purpose. This beautiful Dan bird mask is from central Liberia. The human like face with scarification on the cheeks and a birds beak is carved from wood. Holes exist around the edge of the mask for attaching raffia. The mask is believed to have been created around 1060 and is in excellent condition.
GEOGRAPHY / CULTURE GROUP: Liberia, Dan. The Dan people, also known as Gio, of Liberia and Cote d’ Ivoire are descendants of Mande ancestors who settled in area in the 16 Century. The Dan occupy an area far from the coast which resulted in little contact with early explorers, missionaries and settlers. The lack of outside influence allowed animist traditions and beliefs to exist well into the 20 Century. The Dan are primarily farmers who clear the land each year to grow crops. The Dan are known for their superb wooden carvings associated with spirits and the supernatural.