Guides to Scholarship and Criticism

Serial Bibliographies


Llyfryddiaeth Cymru / A Bibliography of Wales. National Library of Wales. Natl. Lib. of Wales, 2008. 18 Dec. 2012. <>. Updated regularly.

Llyfryddiaeth Cymru / A Bibliography of Wales, [1985–94]. Aberystwyth: Natl. Lib. of Wales, 1992–99. Biennial. Z2071.L57 [DA708] 016.9429.

Bibliotheca Celtica: A Register of Publications Relating to Wales and the Celtic Peoples and Languages, [1909–84]. Aberystwyth: Natl. Lib. of Wales, 1910–90. Z2071.B56 016.9429.

Bibliography of Wales is a bibliographic database of publications written in Welsh, published in Wales, or relating to Wales. The database is accessible through the National Library’s OPAC (click Keyword, then chose Bibliography of Wales on the Search Collection menu). Users can search a combination of full text, title, author, subject, ISSN, or ISBN fields. Results can be sorted in ascending or descending order by author, title, or date and can be marked for e-mailing, printing, or saving.

The printed Bibliography of Wales combines and continues Bibliotheca Celtica and Subject Index to Welsh Periodicals [1931–84] (Aberystwyth: Natl. Lib. of Wales, 1934–89). Entries (which provide full bibliographic information and cite reviews of books) are listed in two parts: subjects and authors.

Bibliotheca Celtica is a classified bibliography of books, dissertations, theses, and articles of Welsh interest acquired by the National Library. Since the volume covering 1929–33 (1939), entries are organized by Library of Congress classification system. The language and literature division includes sections for biography, Celtic languages, Celtic literature, Welsh language, Welsh literature, Anglo-Welsh literature, and Arthurian literature (for many years this last section appeared at the end of the classified list). (Until the volume for 1973–76 [1981], Bibliotheca Celtica also includes Irish and Scottish Gaelic language and literature.) Indexed by names.

Welsh Publications, 1801–1919—an ongoing union catalog of materials printed in Wales between 1801 and 1919 designed to fill a major gap in the national bibliographies of the country and to redress the underrepresentation of Welsh publications in the Nineteenth-Century Short Title Catalogue (M2475)—is defunct.

While Bibliography of Wales offers the fullest general coverage of scholarship on Welsh literature, it must be supplemented by ABELL (G340), MLAIB (G335), and the other serial bibliographies and indexes in section G.


““Welsh Writing in English: A Bibliography of Criticism, [1993– ]”.” Almanac: Yearbook of Welsh Writing in English 1– (1995– ). PR8950.W35.

An unannotated list of publications and some dissertations and theses on Welsh writers writing in English, along with some English-language studies of Welsh-language authors and some Welsh-language works on English-language authors. Entries are divided between two divisions, general criticism and individual authors (organized by literary author). Users must skim all entries in early installments since essays on individual authors included in collective entries for yearbooks and collections of essays in the general criticism division usually are not listed in the second division and since essays on two or more authors frequently appear under only one author heading.

See also

Secs. G: Serial Bibliographies, Indexes, and Abstracts and H: Guides to Dissertations and Theses.

ABELL (G340): Entries on Anglo-Welsh writers and literature are dispersed throughout.

Bibliography of British and Irish History (M1400).

MLAIB (G335): Until the volume for 1981, Welsh literature in English was included in the English Literature division. Welsh-language literature was covered in the Celtic Languages and Literatures heading under the General division in the volumes for 1928–52; in General IV (later V or VI): Celtic Languages and Literatures in the volumes for 1953–66; and in Celtic IX: Welsh in the volumes for 1967–80. Since the 1981 volume, the Welsh Literature section encompasses Welsh literature in whatever language. Researchers must also check the headings beginning with “Welsh” in the subject index to post-1980 volumes and in the online thesaurus.

YWES (G330).

Other Bibliographies


Harris, John. A Bibliographical Guide to Twenty-Four Modern Anglo-Welsh Writers. Cardiff: U of Wales P, 1994. 387 pp. Z2077.H37 [PR8951] 016.8209′9429.

A bibliography of works by and about 24 modern Anglo-Welsh writers. Coverage extends through 1991 (along with a few later publications). Following sections for anthologies and general criticism (with subdivisions for bibliographies and reference works, general studies, poetry, prose, regional guides, and pedagogy), the writers appear alphabetically; under each are chronological lists of primary works and alphabetical lists of studies of the writer (with contributions to books and periodicals covered selectively and a headnote outlining the organization of primary and secondary works). Several entries are taken unverified from other sources. Where a reliable bibliography exists, coverage in Bibliographical Guide is meant to supplement it. Some entries are accompanied by an explanatory phrase. Although inexcusably lacking an index, Bibliographical Guide offers the most thorough list of works about the selected authors (and, for some, the most complete list of primary works). For post-1991 studies, see MLAIB (G335) and ABELL (G340)—though neither is very thorough in covering Anglo-Welsh literature.