Morris Lee Abeyounis

1923 - 1943

Morris Lee Abeyounis
Morris Lee Abeyounis. Image Source: "Those Killed In Armed Services." East Carolina Yearbooks, Tecoan 1945. UA50-01. University Archives, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.

Morris Abeyounis was born December 5, 1923, the son of Berry George and Bessie Adele Abeyounis of Belhaven. He graduated from Greenville High School and then attended ECTC before enlisting at age 18, on December 8, 1942, one day after the first anniversary of Pearl Harbor, in the U. S. Army Air Forces at Fort Bragg, N.C. By March of 1943, Abeyounis was studying with the Army Air Forces Technical Training Command at Lowry Field, Colorado and soon rose to the rank of staff sergeant.

Abeyounis was reported missing in action on September 28, 1943, at sea, off the coast of Somerset, England. At ECTC, he was among those honored on campus with the Service Flag. The latter included a Gold Star for those who had died in service, and a Blue Star for those missing in action. The ECTC Service Flag was prominently displayed in the Old Austin Building “as a constant reminder that there is no higher ideal than is expressed in the college motto: ‘To Serve.’ “On January 20, 1945, the Teco Echo reported that “Staff Sgt. Morris Lee Abeyounis, waist gunner in the Army Air Corps, who was reported missing in … 1943, has been officially declared dead by the War Department.”

Abeyounis is remembered in Greenwood Cemetery in Greenville, and on the Tablets of the Missing at the East Coast Memorial in Battery Park, New York City. Though Morris’ time at ECTC and in the Armed Forces was brief, his life evidenced, as the Teco Echo noted in reference to the Service Flag that honored him twice, as missing in action and then fallen, the college motto of service.


Citation Information

Title: Morris Lee Abeyounis

Author: John A. Tucker, PhD 

Date of Publication: 5/5/2022

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