Course Reserves

Course Reserves are titles selected by class instructors for use in specific classes. Sometimes these are the required textbook and sometimes they are solutions manuals or additional resources the instruction wants students to consult. You may find if your instructor has placed anything on reserve for your classes by searching or browsing the list below by course ID, course name, or instructor name. If there is a title on the list that you would like to borrow, ask for it at the Circulation Desk of the owning library. Often titles on Course Reserve have a short loan period of three hours or one day so that many in a class can have the opportunity to consult them.

Course ID Course Name Instructor
ADED 6450 Community, Junior and Technical Colleges Broughton, Phyllis J
ART 3005 Material Exploration Robinson, Lisa B.
ART 6992 Problems in Interdisciplinary Studies in Art Robinson, Lisa B.
ARTH 1906 Art History Survey Madhok, Punam
ARTH 1907 Art History Survey Madhok, Punam
ARTH 3920 Asian Art Madhok, Punam
ARTH 3930 Italian Renaissance Art Madhok, Punam
ARTH 6913 Asian Art-Graduate Madhok, Punam
ARTH 6930 Italian Renaissance Art- Graduate Madhok, Punam
ARTH 6935 Italian Baroque Art: 1600-1700 Madhok, Punam
ATMO 2510 Physical Meteorology & Thermodynamics Rickenbach, Thomas
BIOL 1050 General Biology Bunnell, Anne E.
BIOL 3550_275 Research in Biol with Writing Pasetto, Silvana
CHEM 1120 Introduction to Chemistry Bennett, Lisa M.
CHEM 2750 Organic Chemistry I Morehead, Andrew
COAD 1000 Student Development and Learning in Higher Education Sanders, Mark M.
Smith, Karen
COAD 6411 Student Affairs College Counsel Crumb, Lonika
COMM 2030 Communication Research Shearman, Sachiyo
COMM 3063 Race, Ethnicity, and Media Muldrow, Adrienne
COMM 6000 Communication Theory Richards, Keith
ECON 2113 Principles of Microeconomics Earle, Andrew
Rupp, Nicholas
ECON 2133 Principles of Macroeconomics Liu, Xuan
EDTC 7040 Instructional Strategies for Distance Learning Brown, Abbie
ENGL 2000 Interpreting Literature Herron, Thomas
ENGL 2100 Major British Writers Herron, Thomas
ENGL 3000 Pre-1800 Literature Herron, Thomas
ENGL 3820 Scientific Writing Amador, Steven A.
ENGL 3950 Children's Literature Thomas, Amber
ENGL 4340 Ethnic American Literature Squint, Kirstin L
ENGR 1000 Introduction to Engineering Venters, Christopher
ENGR 2070 Materials and Processes Billings, Colleen
GEO 1250 Water in the Environment Palmer-Moloney, Laura
GEO 4335 Tourism Geography Palmer-Moloney, Laura
GEOG 2350 Climate Change: Science and Society Rickenbach, Thomas
GEOG 2420 Cartography Wade, Scott E.
GEOL 4200 Stratigraphy and Paleontology Culver, Stephen
GERM 3420 Special Topics Twark, Jill
GLST 1000 Introduction to Global Studies Jones, Susanne
GLST 2600 The Holocaust Twark, Jill
HIST 1051 American History to 1877 Patterson, Sarah
HIST 3410 History of Ancient Rome Dixon, Helen M
HIST 5480 The Weimar Republic and the Rise of Hitler Gross, Michael
HIST 6355 History of Ancient Rome-Graduate Dixon, Helen M
HLTH 1000 Health in Modern Society Vail-Smith, Karen
HLTH 2050 Sexual Health Vail-Smith, Karen
HLTH 3010 Health Problems Haddock, Rosemary
HLTH 3020 Health Disparities Farr, Deeonna
HLTH 3520 Introduction to Global Health Devlin, Tina
HLTH 4011 Introduction to Epidemiology Cuthbertson, Carmen
HLTH 6001 Foundations of Health Education and Promotion Farr, Deeonna
JUST 1000 Introduction to Criminal Justice Jordan, Chad R.
JUST 2009 Correctional Systems Jordan, Chad R.
JUST 3800 Research Methods in Criminal Justice Anderson, James
MENG 4343 Composite Mechanics Billings, Colleen
MUSC 1192 Applied Trombone Driscoll, Matthew T.
MUSC 1406-299 Music History I - Antiquity - Medieval - Renaissance Moll, Kevin
MUSC 1445 Percussion Methods Mallette, Quintin R.
MUSC 1627 Italian and English Lyric Diction for Singers Shirley, Daniel C
MUSC 2315 String Class Nowak, Timothy E
MUSC 2406 Music History & Literature II - Baroque to Classic Rich, Morgan M
MUSC 2416-299 Music History III - Romantic, Modern, Postmodern Moll, Kevin
MUSC 3194 Applied Trombone Driscoll, Matthew T.
MUSC 4195 Advanced Jazz History Davis, Daniel Roger
MUSC 4327 Counterpoint Carr-Richardson, Amy
MUSC 4508 Music Theory Pedagogy Carr-Richardson, Amy
MUSC 5257 Psychology of Music Driscoll, Virginia
MUSC 5706 Advanced Applied Conducting Franklin, James
MUSC 6006 Music Structure and Style Carr-Richardson, Amy
Richardson, Mark
MUSC 6016 Music Structure and Style Carr-Richardson, Amy
Richardson, Mark
MUSC 6327 Counterpoint Carr-Richardson, Amy
MUSC 6356 Music Theory Pedagogy Carr-Richardson, Amy
MUSC 6887 Introduction to Research in Music Bargrizan, Navid
MUSC001 The Amazing Recording Booth Davis, Alexander
OMGT 3223 - FALL Business Decision Modeling Kros, John
OMGT 3223 - SPRING Business Decision Modeling Kros, John
PADM 6100 Policies and Management in Public Agencies Fleming, Casey
PADM 6110 Human Resource Mgmt in Public Agencies Fleming, Casey
PADM 6220 Leadership and Ethics in the Public Sector Pudlo, Jason M.
PDHS Pre-Dental Honor Society Morehead, Andrew
POLS 3006 Topics in American Politics: Disaster Politics Pudlo, Jason M.
POLS 3031 Research Design for Political Science Smirnova, Olga
PUBH 8571 Public Health and Aging Little, Ruth
RCTX 2230 Foundations of Therapeutic Recreations Oakes, Lindsey
READ 3501 Foundational Literacy Skills: Differentiated Instruction Christ, Tanya M
RELI 3400 The History of the Devil in the Judeo-Christian Traditions Dawson, Kathy
RUSS 1001 Russian Level I Wilmes, Justin
SOCI 4325 Marriage and the Family Knox, David
SOCI 4385 Theoretical Perspectives and Applications Pearce, Susan
SOCI 5800 Seminar in the Family Knox, David
SOCW 6005 Human Behav. & Social Envir. for the Human Serv. Professions Kennedy, Reeve

ECU Libraries Catalog and selected e-textbooks

About Course Reserve

Joyner Reserves Manager
Aurora Venegas

Laupus Health Sciences Library Reserves Manager
Muhammad Hassan

Music Reserves Manager
Kevin-Andrew Cronin

Copyright Consultant
Joseph Thomas