A searchable collection of business and management publications with journals, dissertations, working papers, business newspapers, trade publications, and industry-focused data. Topics include: economic conditions, corporate strategy, management theory, accounting, finance, and business trends.
Provides access to national and international information on the financial services industry, including banking trends, products, companies, issues and operations.
Provides indexing, abstracting and full text for the Businessweek backfile. Topics include: business management, marketing, labor, finance, and economic policy. Content spans 1929 - 2000.
Comprehensive tax and accounting research system provides full-text access to tax libraries for federal, state, and international taxation, as well as current tax news, related journals, smart charts, business and financial planning tools, and tax forms. Topics include: domestic and global securities, banking, trade regulation, government contracts, telecom, information technology, federal energy guidelines, transportation law, and products liability and safety.
Accounting, federal, state, and international tax materials. Provides full-text of primary source materials such as tax laws, statutes, regulations, legislation, committee reports, and court case rulings, as well as secondary sources such as editorial and analytical materials.
Students in tax classes at ECU receive passwords from their professors. Other ECU students, faculty, and staff who wish to use Checkpoint must obtain a password by clicking here.
Contains global financial and economic news, commentaries, data, and analysis. Provides full-text access to articles in the daily, U.K-based Financial Times newspaper. Topics include: global trade, business trends, economics, finance, banking, insurance, management, and marketing.
Provides direct access to the IMF’s periodicals, books, working papers and studies, as well as data and statistical tools. Includes exchange rates, fund accounts and the main global and country economic indicators for more than 200 countries. Topics include: macroeconomics, globalization, development, trade and aid, technical assistance, demographics, emerging markets, policy advice, and poverty reduction.
Provides comprehensive company data for U.S. and International public and private companies, including SEC filings (US only) and current and historical annual reports for U.S. and International public companies. Company information includes: history, mergers, acquisitions, disposals, joint ventures, officers and directors, news reports, bond ratings, dividend payment history, income statement, cash flow statement, balance sheet, contact information, auditors, and qualified auditors’ report.
Access is limited to 10 users at a time.
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